Friday, February 17, 2012

Social Networking Pedophiles.

So, just to have a discussion.

Lets say you live on Main St. in North Canaan, CT (Random city and address)   You take a look at the sex offender registry for that city and you discover that there are no offenders in a mile radius of your house.   This makes you feel safer knowing that your daughter / son can play outside, walk to the corner store for  a soda and you have them as safe as possible.

When your child arrives home from school they immediately beeline for their computer, ipod, tablet, internet TV, whichever device they use.    They immediately log into Facebook and check out all of the posts from their friends.   Julie is excited because the new Justin Bieber video is coming on tonight; Tommy is stoked because he scored the winning touchdown in last nights High School Football game and excitedly your child responds to each of their posts.   Then she comes across Jenny's latest wall entry "I am so depressed. My boyfriend broke up with me last week, we were supposed to go to the Green Day concert, now I have no way of getting there and I have two tickets. I asked my dad if he wanted to go, but he was drinking, and not in a good mood. He's just an ass.   All I want is someone to treat me the way I deserve and love me for who I am"  Feeling bad for her friend she leaves a message on her wall replying to the above saying that she was sorry and "Someone will love you, someone will love all of us"

Harmless?     Well maybe.    Jeremy Joe Sex Offender living in Hartford (Which by the way has more than 100 sex offenders registered) is perusing around Facebook and comes across Jenny's post that has shown up on the wall of one of her friends who is not security conscious.  "Hmmmm"   Immediately sends a message to Jenny to Friend her since he is an "Incoming transfer from another town" tells her he loves Green Day and plays himself off to be a nervous new student.   Being lonely and distraught she agrees.     After a couple of days of conversation Jeremy Joe makes plans to meet with Jenny since he will be in town while his "Folks" look for an apartment.

The rest is a story I refuse to tell, it's too disturbing to even begin to type.  

This maybe a fictional scenario with fictional people.  

But do this for me. 

Go look at the sex offender database.  See how many live near you. 

NOW.  Expand that search to people within an hour drive or so of your house. 

I'll wait while you look...... 

NOW how safe do you feel in your small town USA, letting your kids post all of their personal information on-line.

Wake up parents.   don't let your kids post their personal information on Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or any other social networking site.   It's up to you to keep them safe.  Not abide by the "It can't happen to me" attitude.  Because I guarantee you that every parent who has ever lost a child to an evil son of a bitch like that thought the same thing.

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